Practice and Improve Your Knowledge and skills For Dgca Pilot Exam



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35. If you fly with left drift in the Northern Hemisphere, what is happening to surface pressure?

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34. Wind at altitude is usually given as …….. in ……..

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33. Which of the following is an example of a Foehn wind?

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32. Where would an anemometer be placed?

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31. An aircraft is flying East to West in the Northern Hemisphere. What is happening to his altitude?

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30. In a high pressure systems

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29. Where are easterly and westerly jets found?

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28. The wind in the Northern Hemisphere at the surface and above the friction layer at 2000 ft would be?

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27. For the same pressure gradient at 50°N, 60°N and 40°N, the geostrophic wind speed is?

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26. Wind is caused by?

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25. What is the relationship between the 2000 ft wind and the surface wind in the Northern Hemisphere

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24. What is the relationship between the 5000 ft wind and the surface wind in the southern hemisphere

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23. What prevents air from flowing directly from a high to a low pressure

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22. What is the difference between Gradient and Geostrophic winds?

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21. What is the effect of a mountain valley wind?

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20. Foehn winds are

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19. With all other things being equal with a high and a low having constantly spaced circular isobars. Where is the wind the fastest?

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18. The Geostrophic Wind blows at your flight level in Northern Hemisphere the true altitude and indicated altitude remain constant, is the crosswind

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17. 90km/hr wind in kts is:

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16. Comparing the surface wind to the 3000ft wind

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15. If flying in the Alps with a Foehn effect from the south

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14. What causes wind?

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13. At a coastal airfield, with the runway parallel to the coastline. You are downwind over the sea with the runway to your right. On a warm summer afternoon, what would you expect the wind to be on finals?

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12. Where would you expect to find the strongest wind on the ground in temperate latitudes?

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11. A large pressure gradient is shown by:

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10. A METAR for Paris gave the surface wind at 260°/20. Wind at 2000ft is most likely to be:

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9. What causes the Geostrophic wind to be stronger than the gradient wind around a low?

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8. Flying from an area of low pressure in the Southern Hemisphere at low altitudes, where is the wind coming from?

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7. What is the Bora?

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6. The gradient wind is more than geostrophic wind around an anticyclone because the:

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5. When heading South in the Southern Hemisphere you experience Starboard drift:

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4. What is a land breeze?

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3. ATC will only report wind as gusting if:

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2. Standing in the Northern Hemisphere, north of a polar frontal depression travelling west to east, the wind will

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1. In central Europe, where are the greatest wind speeds?

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