If the ELR is less than 0.6°C / 100 m, the air is stable – absolute stability.
Stable weather Bad visibility Nil to Light turbulence Stratiform cloud Intermittent to continuous precipitation DZ, -RA, RA, SN
If the ELR is greater than 1°C/100 m, the air is unstable – absolute instability.
Unstable weather Good visibility (poor in showers) Moderate to severe turbulence Cumuliform cloud Showery precipitation SHRA, SHRA, GR, GS
If the ELR is between 0.6°C and 1°C/100 m, the air is stable if dry and unstable if satu-rated – conditional instability.
The clouds which form in stable air tend to be small in vertical extent and large in hori-zontal extent – layer clouds / stratiform cloud.
The clouds which form in unstable air tend to be large in vertical extent and small in horizontal extent – heap clouds.